PHONE: (304) 645-7800LOCATION: 136 Blue Sulphur Pike | Lewisburg, WV 24901WORKING HOURS: M-FRI 8:00-4:00

Telehealth Veterinary Services

Replace costly and inefficient farm visits with expedited, remote veterinary care.

Telehealth services are more and more necessary in livestock medicine when farm calls are costly or inefficient. In many cases, a simple conversation with your veterinarian can help troubleshoot basic issues on your farm.

Ironsides Animal Health provides telehealth services to all clients with a valid VCPR. Not all cases can be effectively or appropriately treated with telemedicine. Your veterinarian will be candid with you about our ability to diagnose and treat the condition remotely. We have the animal’s best interest in mind.

We will stay up to date with this forthcoming method of providing veterinary care as members of the American Veterinary Medical Association and American Association of Bovine Practitioners, with the explicit goal of expanding access to livestock health and collaborating with our producers to manage the health of their herds.

Contact us today to learn more about our telemedicine capabilities and how we can support your livestock management goals.

Contact Us

Please note that we cannot provide animal health advice through this contact form. If you are seeking veterinary services, join our herd by filling out this form.

Call (304) 645-7800 for any animal health emergencies to get the soonest response from a veterinarian.

Ironsides Animal Health 2025. All rights reserved.